Today's question: "Why do I hike?"
Excellent are my list of answers (in no particular order...except the last one is the most important):
1. I can't afford a gym membership.
2. I hate running.
3. I hate biking.
4. I love exploring.
5. I love reading maps. An artifact from my Girl Scout days.
6. I went to Berkeley...ergo, I'm a hippie...ergo, I'm a tree hugger.
7. Although not always accurate, I love the feeling of being somewhere that most people haven't been.
8. I love adding up the mileage and the sense of accomplishment when I reach a new max.
9. I love the silhouettes and contrasts of the trees with the light.
10. I love being away from the noise pollution of the city.
11. Because I have to live up to my nickname "Sasquatch".
12. I love, love, love the views.
13. And probably above all else, I hike because of the joy that this guy experiences when we do...
I'd love to hike, but I'm navigationally challenged. I'm afraid of getting lost. Do you know of any well marked trails?
I've always had a good experience in Anthony Chabot Regional and Redwood Regional. East Bay Regional Park District's website has good trail maps.
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