Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Laundry Demons

Meet my enemy. A tower of clean laundry.

I don’t know why, but organizing and putting away my clean laundry is a MAJOR problem of mine. I usually don’t even take it out of the dryer. If I was living by myself, it probably would stay in the dryer until I either picked out everything that was in that load in order to wear it or I had to rotate another load from the washer into the dryer.

The fact that I wear the same thing almost everyday, probably doesn’t help with this problem. When getting dressed, I just grab whatever clean pants and shirt are towards the top of the pile.

In order to put away this pile, I need to pump myself up. I need to make sure I have at least an hour to devote to the task, and I need the right playlist of music playing in the background. I mean...why put it away if I’m just going to wear it in the next couple days??

It’s not uncommon for me to start putting away clothes and then get distracted. For example...right now. I had been folding laundry for about 30 minutes, and I still had about a third of the pile left to go. But I found it absolutely necessary to enter this blog post before finishing. If it’s not a blog post that distracts me, it’s usually Lincoln and Bonnie giving me THAT stare; THE stare which means “why in the world would you rather do this than come play outside with us??” Naturally, I give in to THE stare, and join them outside.

But after I finally get to the bottom of my pile of clean clothes, I feel like I just won a gold medal. I feel like everyone should acknowledge my accomplishment and that I deserve a nap...or at leash, 2 hours of not having to do anything.

Ok...enough of a break...I’m going to finish this pile! (I’ll be accepting high fives later for a job well done).

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