I really could care less about styling my hair. Until yesterday, I hadn't brushed my hair in more than a year. It would take far too much of my time and care to blow dry, straighten, and fix my hair the way it should be. Long ago, I decided that if I wouldn't enjoy my own hair then why not donate it to someone who would need it. Since making that decision, I've now donated my hair 3 times. The most recent time was yesterday. Something of a Christmas present for me (finally rid of this crazy long hair = relief) and a Christmas present in the form of a wig for someone else; bam...two satisfying presents in one "snip".
It took me a little over a year and a half to grow my hair long enough to donate. Yesterday, the hair stylist put my hair in two low ponytails and CUT! We promptly dropped the two ponytails in to a ziplock bag, placed the bag in a padded envelope, and dropped it in the mail. There are a handful of organizations that accept hair donations. They all vary in the minimum length that they'll accept; shortest minimum length that I have found was 8".
If you are interested, browse these links for more info about hair donation:
Go for it! Even if you aren't crazy about your new cut, at least you know there is someone out there who is crazy about their new wig.

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