Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Donation

I really could care less about styling my hair. Until yesterday, I hadn't brushed my hair in more than a year. It would take far too much of my time and care to blow dry, straighten, and fix my hair the way it should be. Long ago, I decided that if I wouldn't enjoy my own hair then why not donate it to someone who would need it. Since making that decision, I've now donated my hair 3 times. The most recent time was yesterday. Something of a Christmas present for me (finally rid of this crazy long hair = relief) and a Christmas present in the form of a wig for someone else; bam...two satisfying presents in one "snip".

It took me a little over a year and a half to grow my hair long enough to donate. Yesterday, the hair stylist put my hair in two low ponytails and CUT! We promptly dropped the two ponytails in to a ziplock bag, placed the bag in a padded envelope, and dropped it in the mail. There are a handful of organizations that accept hair donations. They all vary in the minimum length that they'll accept; shortest minimum length that I have found was 8".

If you are interested, browse these links for more info about hair donation:

Go for it! Even if you aren't crazy about your new cut, at least you know there is someone out there who is crazy about their new wig.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Breakfast

I love food. Every day is a practice in discipline to resist eating everything. But when the holidays come around, I let loose! One of my favorite meals is Christmas morning. We break out all the good stuff...bacon, eggs, pancakes, bagels, coffee, orange juice. Surprisingly, the most complete Christmas morning breakfast came the year that our parents were out of town, so my brother, sister, and I rallied together to get all the necessary ingredients together. The cooperation between the three of us was probably the most impressive part. My brother, who never contributed to any meals, volunteered to prepare the eggs. My sister, who is usually a grumpy mess in the mornings, was relaxed and agreeable while cooking the bacon. Everyone contributed to the clean up, too, which was also way out of character. It was the best breakfast I ever had....seriously...EVER.

But it will be my goal to make this Christmas breakfast even better. I should start prepping everyone now...