Cleaning up my room always uncovers long lost gems. Take this one for example:

My college teammates, roommates, friends...Jenna and Alexis; or as I know them...Brown and Lex! Everyone goes through a dorky freshman year stage. We went through it together (and I tend to think we ended up being dorks together for the whole 5 years).
We aren't teammates anymore. We aren't roommates anymore. But I still miss them and carry them close to my heart all the time. We don't stay in touch as much as we should be, but I have all kinds of memories that always manage to resurface...even if I've tried to bury them.
Lex...I'm forever sorry for puking on your shoes, and I will forever be in debt to you for the way you kept yourself together and probably resisted the urge to just dump me on the side of the road. Or how about when I laughed in your face when you came to my room crying after eating asphalt when trying to chase down the bus? You don't worry; I told that bus driver what was the most passive "Powers-way" possible. And although I wasn't there for the "crutch delivering popcorn" incident, I never doubted that it happened. And..."EXIT ONLY!!" could never escape us; especially, since we had a motion activated web cam in the common room. I'm sure I scared the crap out of you when I rolled off the bunk bed in the middle of the night. Or when the pipe under our sink burst and we were all scooping hot water in to the tub. And I still remember playing dodge ball in one of our last spring practices our Junior or Sophomore year, and I wrecked your thumb. I'm so sorry about that.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T...that goes for the both of you!
We've all grown up in our own ways. They are both married. Lex has a beautiful baby boy, and I'm long over due for a visit to Brown in Texas.
I'm sure we all had one or two special people who were key figures during important milestones in our lives. Brown and Lex were mine...Who are yours?
1 comment:
PEE PEE! This made me smile and laugh...and I REALLY needed that. I didnt even know you had a blog. Ive been thinking about starting one...just so I have somewhere to write my thoughts, share with my friends of course, and reach out to other Army wives who are going through the same things I am. I miss you and love you so much! You're right...we dont stay in touch very much and Im going to try and be better at it. I still consider you all my best friends regardless of us being many starts a part. So funny about the bunk bed. I was just telling my family that story about you falling off. HILARIOUS! And the puking in the shoes....classssssic. How about freshmen initiation? Wedding dress and denium jean one piece jumpsuit thing. Totall gross. Miss you mucho...Ill be out there in May for Gabbs bday. I better see you both or your dead to me. That is alllllll.
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