We'll just jump right past the fact that I've neglected this blog for almost nine months and, instead, jump in to my latest musings.
Today's question: "Why do I hike?"
Excellent question...here are my list of answers (in no particular order...except the last one is the most important):
1. I can't afford a gym membership.
2. I hate running.
3. I hate biking.
4. I love exploring.
5. I love reading maps. An artifact from my Girl Scout days.
6. I went to Berkeley...ergo, I'm a hippie...ergo, I'm a tree hugger.
7. Although not always accurate, I love the feeling of being somewhere that most people haven't been.
8. I love adding up the mileage and the sense of accomplishment when I reach a new max.
9. I love the silhouettes and contrasts of the trees with the light.
10. I love being away from the noise pollution of the city.
11. Because I have to live up to my nickname "Sasquatch".
12. I love, love, love the views.
13. And probably above all else, I hike because of the joy that this guy experiences when we do...