Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolution

Beginning of the year usually correlates with me trying to re-ignite my blogging.  Hopefully, with the help of my New Year's resolution, I can make that a reality.

So what is my resolution?

Challenge myself on a weekly basis.  I've put together a list of 52 (well, actually 47 right now...still in progress) "goals", and I will attempt to take on a new one each week of 2013.  Some might be worthy of a blog post.

Here are some examples:

- No TV for a week.
- Watch the sunrise each day for a week.
- Sleep on the opposite side of the bed for week.
- Only drink water for a week.
- Eat a banana every day for a week.

If anyone can think of five more "goals", let me know!

Cheers to 2013!